Repairing broker customer journeys across auto/ moto insurance claims FNOL
Industry: Insurance
Keywords: Workshops, experience, User journey, Ideation session, MVP, Customer testing, service pilot
Disclaim: For more information on any projects please email me my detailed portfolio
How might we support customers providing accurate information during the First Notice of Loss from a car accident and reduce an overreliance of customers reaching out to the call centre to understand the stage of their claim?
Experience strategy session
3 customer experience workshops
2-week design sprint
3 online experiments
8 Stakeholder interview
7 Concepts designs
2 low fid designs
2 customer current journey
Listening to the evolving demands of customers and stakeholders across the business to identify areas of the process to improve. A new product was launched that was tested with 200 pilot customers in the call centre. The project continued to reduce complexity and enhance the experience for the customer across key parts of the journey.